Friday, July 25, 2008

Confirming My Decision

A couple of months ago, I decided that I was going to leave my position as the social services director at Ranchwood Nursing Center. I had gotten another job and gave my notice. On my last day at the nursing home, I felt that I was making a terrible decision but it was too late, my replacement had already started. So I started my new job on a Monday, I knew after that first day that the decision to leave the nursing home was the wrong one. So I went in on Tuesday with the attitude of I didnt make a mistake this is where I am supposed to be. By lunch time, I felt this horrible feeling in my stomach and I just knew that I need to quit. So I went into my knew bosses office and told her I was quitting. She looked very shocked, of course who could blame her. So I packed all of my stuff up and left. I showed up at Ranchwood, crying and jobless wondering what I was going to do. I told my ex-boss that I had quit, he told me everything would work out and to go home and not think about it. One week later, I went to get my last paycheck at Ranchwood. I decided to go ask my replacement how things were going. She didnt look to excited to be there. I told her that I had quit my job and was no longer employeed. She asked me if I would take my job back because she wanted to return to her previous job. As crazy as it sounds I started back at Ranchwood the very next day.

I have always wondered if I had given the job a long enough chance and if I should have stuck it out. Well today, I got my answer. I was at the doctor, with a resident and we were waiting for our ride back to the nursing home. We had been sitting and visiting for about 30 minutes, when a lady asked me where we were from. I told her and she replied, they are very lucky to have you there at Ranchwood. She said she was very impressed with how much attention I was giving to my resident. She said most of the time no one pays attention to the resident and are to busy on their cell phones. My resident responded that she knew how lucky they were to have me. I knew at that very moment that I had made the right decision by going back to my job. I cant imagine being anywhere else.

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