Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Suprising myself

As I read other army wives and blogs about how horrible they are doing and how they feel like this deployment feels like a nightmare, I think to myself "is there something wrong with me" Dont get me wrong when we first found out that shawn was leaving for a year long deployment, I felt like my world had ended and that I would never survive. I think now I have just come to accept the fact that this is what is happening in my life. I have no choice but to deal with the hand that I have been dealt. I have become used to Shawn being gone but I am ready for him to come home. I just know that the Army is in his blood and he would not have it any other way. I know that he doesnt want to be away from his family but he loves what he does! I support that 100%. I guess that I have grown during this deployment to learn that my life isnt going to end because my husband is being deployed. I just hope it doesnt happen again!!!

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